Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Because Secrets and Failed Blood Clots are What Keeps Me Human

You did not give me reason enough to let my heart's blood spill over your mind.  It might be because my blood type is A and your blood O, and you shouldn't mix blood types.  Like the drunk driver shifting the car in gear and like the psychotic patient who is on the lose, It's fatal. 

 But I sat there with you and cut my heart open.  And instead of collecting it all and sealing it away, you let it run.You failed to clot my blood and before I knew it, the halls of school were soaked with my classified information. 

And no matter how many times my platelets in my blood try to clot my heart from bleeding out, you can't stop a flood.  But I won't blame you. 

Because secrets and failed blood clots are what keeps me human.





  • "I wanna live a little more"-Jane Doe
  • "It may seem odd to think of having a relationship with ourselves, but we do. Some people can't get along with themselves. They criticize and belittle themselves all day long unitl they begin to hate themselves. May I suggest that you reduce the rush and take a little extra time to get to know yourself better" -Dieter F. Uctdorf