Wednesday, January 28, 2015

What happened to Abby

What happened to Abby Doodle Stroodle Noodle
Or the freckle on her nose that she always wanted to hide and
Where did the pickle green polo shirts go that were buttoned up to the top and her straight across bangs
What took the silence from her heart and put the tears in her eyes
What happened to the hoop earrings and bright eye shadow that made her feel mature
The ipod nanos, the Pokémon cards, her Gameboy and her dear tamagotchis
The animal crackers, Blues Clues, her bunnies, and the legos only boys played
The Razor scooter she got for her birthday and the crocs she wore out to dinner.
Oh and what about the Webkinz and Stardoll
She was confident in her skin
She was independent
She was competitive about everything
She was opinionated
She was feisty
And She was happy
They all disappeared because dad always said to grow up and kids told her that wasn’t cool.  The boy called her fat, the girl called her ugly and the teacher called her dumb.
She decided she should probably replace those things with burgundy lipstick, diamond earrings and fake eyelashes.
She is quiet
She is a ‘whatever you want’ person
She is sad
She is lonely
And she is ok
Her nanos were upgraded to the ipod touch and the Pokémon cards were burned.
The Webkinz account has been deactivated and her Gameboy has been put out of order
The Blues Clues doesn’t play anymore and the scooter is who knows where.
Well I don’t care anymore anyways.


  1. Heartbreaking and it made me happy for some reason. Does that mean something's wrong with me. Despite your loss of childhood, you are okay. (Or is it all for show? I don't know.) But I really enjoyed reading this.

    "She decided she should probably replace those things with burgundy lipstick, diamond earrings and fake eyelashes."

  2. This is seriously beautiful, Abby.

  3. pieces of ourselves that we left behind on the sidewalk next to rained on chalk.
    this makes me sad.

  4. pieces of ourselves that we left behind on the sidewalk next to rained on chalk.
    this makes me sad.





  • "I wanna live a little more"-Jane Doe
  • "It may seem odd to think of having a relationship with ourselves, but we do. Some people can't get along with themselves. They criticize and belittle themselves all day long unitl they begin to hate themselves. May I suggest that you reduce the rush and take a little extra time to get to know yourself better" -Dieter F. Uctdorf