Sunday, August 31, 2014

Besides my pen name, this is me

the girl who rather be in school than on break

the girl who'd rather eat with no one than with someone who acts like a no one

the girl who is still too naïve to realize boys don't love her when they say they do

the girl who runs on a treadmill rather than outside because she's afraid of being noticed

the girl who doesn't care what others think

and the girl who wishes she was on a team just so she could be part of something important

but that's not all.  I jump to conclusions to fast, I intimidate people unintentionally, and wish that reality wasn't real. 

But since it is, I've learned this:

-most people tend to love themselves more than they could ever love someone else
-everyone is insecure about something
-your truth probably isn't the truth
-quiet people are the biggest thinkers
-if you think it's about you, it probably isn't

Elsie Grace


  1. "Your truth probably isn't the truth."


  2. I really like your blog.

    "and the girl who wishes she was on a team just so she could be part of something important"

    Welcome to Paris. I want to read all your posts. I scanned them and I can tell you've got some good stuff here. But....

    I have to teach 4th period now. And I don't really want to. But I'm going to anyway.





  • "I wanna live a little more"-Jane Doe
  • "It may seem odd to think of having a relationship with ourselves, but we do. Some people can't get along with themselves. They criticize and belittle themselves all day long unitl they begin to hate themselves. May I suggest that you reduce the rush and take a little extra time to get to know yourself better" -Dieter F. Uctdorf