Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Mother Nature is Powerful but Words are Just As Strong

As a young girl, I still remember getting told my head looked like a football.  It was 3rd grade, on the big, open, grass field behind Highland Elementary.  I remember who said it to me and I remember who stood up for me.  I remember not because I still hold a grudge against her but because the way we treat others and get treated by others is everything. 

That was the day my confidence I'd grown up having from being taught I was the best, diminished.  My self esteem was lowered and from that day on, I've recognized the importance of our words.  They should be uplifting, positive, selfless, and chosen carefully.

Don't get me wrong, I've been on the other side, where my words have caused more trouble than intended.  I say stupid remarks, rude comments, and words that sting.  It destroys a person like Hurricane Sandy destroyed New Jersey, taking all there was shredding it to pieces that can never be recovered.

They say Mother Nature is powerful but words are just as strong.


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  • "I wanna live a little more"-Jane Doe
  • "It may seem odd to think of having a relationship with ourselves, but we do. Some people can't get along with themselves. They criticize and belittle themselves all day long unitl they begin to hate themselves. May I suggest that you reduce the rush and take a little extra time to get to know yourself better" -Dieter F. Uctdorf